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EPCenter Srl © All rights reserved 2018 - 2023

nature green

True rewards are always proportionate to the work and sacrifices made

Nicholas Tesla 1856-1943







Some Our Customers


Who we are



EPCenter srl offers its customers over thirty five years of experience both in planning and in "Professional Technological Consulting" to give the best results to its customers. 

Precisely because of our skills and our passion, we provide the most current and updated technologies for monitoring, analyzing and storing electrical data, for evaluating solutions aimed at reducing electricity consumption.

We take care of the technical analysis, the executive projects, the project documentary checks and declarations of conformity/compliance, linked to the provisions of Ministerial Decree 37/08, as well as the instrumental measures for verifying the safety and reliability of the systems serving the companies operated by our customers. 
Our references, given precisely by the history of each specialist technician and each partner, range from the executive design of multiplex cinemas, hotels, small medium and large industries, shopping centres, analysis and updates of the executive projects of power supply systems with absolute reliability for all utilities of vital importance, such as flight assistance systems for airports, operating rooms, 

places with danger of explosion (ATEX) etc. 
Furthermore, we have the skills to accompany our customers in the best strategic business choices, related to the protection of IT systems and corporate digital radio communications, voice and data, finally, through direct and highly confidential contact, in a constructive dialogue, we are able able to evaluate "if and how", offer our contribution in relation to the possibly unresolved needs of our customers.

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Document analysis and/or compliance




With the best technologies available, we are able to analyze your systems at 360° both for safety and for the optimization of electricity consumption.

According to your needs, we are able to analyze in detail the technical documentation that accompanies the systems, and carry out, upon request, the acquisition and archiving of the same in digital format.




Energy efficiency, electrical safety,

periodic checks of the systems decree 81/08, 

satellite telephony, maintenance processes,

telecommunication systems with POC technology and multi-operator SIM cards, instrumental analysis of harmonics, cosphi, interruptions and parameters of distribution networks.

Innovation in projects, both for new plants and for the adaptation and/or compliance of existing plants.

About us

" Growing together " to overcome obstacles is the best way to support our customers, and this is why EPCenter srl provides a team of professionals and partners,

coordinated by the technical director Francesco Zillio.


What do we do

Experience - Performance - Competence - Right choice : Enter then EPCenter.

Your company needs Experience, High Performance and Competence.

Our solid and exclusive triangle, necessary to achieve the objectives of making the energy system more efficient in its breadth, the security and personalization of internal communications both referred to voice and data, the management of maintenance processes through information knowledge for a timely and effective action of maintenance personnel.


Let's keep in touch

contacts and information

Do you want more information?


Download the information form, fill it in and send it by mail!

(if you send an email outside the contact form, always remember to read the privacy policy)

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Epcenter Srl

Via Roma, 124 - 35010

Vigodarzere - Padua (ITALY)

VAT number 04540130236


mobile : + 39 327 869 0054

At the company 100% Italian

Let's take care of the environment